Meaning of (अनवरार्ध्य) anavarardha्ya in english

As noun : sovereign Ex:  Ferdinand and Isabella had each been sovereign in one kingdom
prefect Ex:  Maximian appointed Constantius to serve as his praetorian prefect in Gaul. major Ex:  she is a linguistics major general Ex:  the general of the Jesuits receives monthly reports from the provincials premier Ex:  Kelly is remembered as a premier actress in American film. cardinal Ex:  The cardinal virtues are natural and revealed in nature master Ex:  He is the master of the house. primary Ex:  Closing primary health centre in the village is a retrograde step. principal Ex:  When the principal posed a question to the student, he gave a pert reply. head Ex:  Lift your head up! president Ex:  Bill clinton is the outgoing president of the U.S. central Ex:  Madhya Pradesh comes in the central zone. captain Ex:  The captain was adviced to steer away the ship from the shoals. featured Ex:  Osaka likewise featured bunraku and grand kabuki productions champion Ex:  Becoming a tennis champion at a great going. great Ex:  He has a great aptitude for computers. queen Ex:  The queen had several ladies in waiting around her. cream Ex:  the cream of Englands young men were killed in the Great War top Ex:  Since last ten years all top universities are concentrating on nano-research. next best top hole superlative Ex:  A superlative trouble top flight Ex:  To fight this case I want to engage only a top flight lawyer.
As verb : commanding Ex:  O'Connor's commanding officer and friend from his days in Palestine
As adjective : pivotal Ex:  World War II was a pivotal point in China's history. essential Ex:  The prices of essential commodities are showing an upward trend. stellar Ex:  Despite the stellar line-up, the record received bad reviews and sold poorly. prima arch Ex:  "as only one entire arch of fire from this to the other side of the bridge the Ex:  up the ante pre eminent best Ex:  her behavior was indiscreet at the very best definitive Ex:  A few of the more definitive ones are Robert Proctor
As adverb : foremost Ex:  With their foremost general defeated
Suggested : a commissioned military officer ranking next below a lieutenant colonel and next above a captain absolutely necessary indispensable a person appointed to any of various positions of command, authority, or superintendence, as a chief magistrate in ancient Rome or the chief administrative official of a department of France or Italy of, pertaining to, or serving as a pivot a monarch a king, queen, or other supreme ruler
Exampleअनवरार्ध्य का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अनवरार्ध्य) anavarardha्ya can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : anavaraardha्ya

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