Meaning of (अनिर्वचनीय) anirvachaniy in english

As noun : unnameable उ:   अनिर्वचनीय ख्याति के अनुसार अविद्या न तो सत् है और न असत्।
As adjective :
indescribable Ex:  I do not know what, or as name, An indescribable उ:   विषयातीत होने के कारण ब्रह्म अनिर्वचनीय है। ineffable Ex:  The ineffable name of God उ:   उन्होंने संगठन को मजबूत बनाने के लिए अनिर्वचनीय मेहनत की। terrible Ex:  The terrible shark Scuttled the ship. indefinable Ex:  In terms of theology, God's name refers to the greatness of God, in his very being he indefinable unutterable unspeakable Ex:  , It is one thing, no name, it did not name, said of a process unspeakable inexpressible
Suggested : not communicable by utterance unspeakable beyond expression not definable not readily identified, described, analyzed, or determined distressing severe incapable of being expressed or described in words inexpressible capable of or susceptible to being named or identified identifiable
Exampleअनिर्वचनीय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अनिर्वचनीय) anirvachaniy can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : anirvachaniiya

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