Meaning of (अनेडमूक) anedmooka in english
As noun : knave Ex:  This young person has the knave eye, bitch mine, the little face knave
hypocrite (adj. hypocritical; adv. hypocritically dishonest Ex:  He is basically dishonest sham Ex:  In a sham swindler Ex:  This swindler table on human credulity cheat Ex:  In one of the night club,croupier always tries to cheat players. slick Ex:  An oil slick cunning Ex:  Muhammad was no longer viewed as a god or idol but as a cunning rascal Ex:  A great rascal jack Ex:  Inserting a plug disconnected the upper jack and the lower jack of that letter. villainous Ex:  Elmo ventures forth, to rescue his blanket from the villainous Huxley . varlet bad Ex:  The dentist extracted one of my bad teeth. rapscallion savage Ex:  "a pet savage rather than a real one" black Ex:  There are black window panes in my house. scalawag scallywag evil Ex:  Tom portrayed Scrooge as an evil old man . devil Ex:  it will be the devil to solve miscreant Ex:  substantively, A miscreant criminal Ex:  a dangerous criminal vermin Ex:  cereals must be protected from mice and other vermin scoundrel Ex:  A frank scoundrel ruffian so and so Ex:  Mr so and so is going to be the champion. villain Ex:  He played the role of a villain in his latest film. rough Ex:  Your voice sounds rough to me. blackguard scamp Ex:  Poor scamp, scamp
As adjective : blind Ex:  "a blind man at the edge of a precipice sightless unseeing dishonest Ex:  He is basically dishonest unconscientious untrue Ex:  he is untrue to his highest opportunity and duty wily Ex:  substantively, a sly, wily a deceitful Ex:  I will unmask the deceitful treacherous Ex:  The waters around these islands are very treacherous disingenuous Ex:  Blaine himself was disingenuous foxy guileful tricky Ex:  It is bit tricky in his pleasures sly Ex:  A way of being or acting from that sly knavish Ex:  , He made a bunch of lies, knavish, He did a lot of lies, knavish tricks on each other dodgy crafty Ex:  His candor contrasts with the crafty way of his opponent wicked Ex:  A wicked compensation naughty Ex:  and denigration, naughty at Soap has says the charges they bought to ennoble nasty Ex:  He opens his mouth to say some nasty
Suggested : an unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest person not honest disposed to lie, cheat, or steal not worthy of trust or belief in view of the fact that considering inasmuch as unable to see blind unable to see lacking the sense of sight sightless
Word of the day
(अनेडमूक) anedmooka
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
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