Meaning of (अपवाद) apavad in english

As noun : exception Ex:  With the exception of the children, everyone was told the news. उ:   हालांकि इसके अपवाद हैं।
aspersions Ex:  Mostly Cibber replied quite good-humoredly to Pope's aspersions उ:   लेकिन इसके कुछ अपवाद भी हैं जैसे भीष्म और कर्ण। invective Ex:  Bloody, long, furious invective उ:   इस कर के कुछ अपवाद भी थे। salvo Ex:  there was a salvo of approval उ:   मुम्बई पुणे एक्सप्रेस-वे इसका एक अपवाद है।
Other : slander Ex:  Arm yourself against the temptations, against prejudice, against slander उ:   परन्तु इसके अपवाद भी हैं।
Suggested : defamation calumny a simultaneous or successive discharge of artillery, bombs, etc vehement or violent denunciation, censure, or reproach a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism slander the act of excepting or the fact of being excepted
Exampleअपवाद का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अपवाद) apavad can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : apavaada

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