Meaning of (अप्राकरणिक) aprakaranika in english

As noun : incoherent Ex:  By extension, it is rumored that mark About incoherent mess of mind
desultory Ex:  desultory conversation absurd Ex:  This argument entails that free will itself is absurd improper Ex:  It still means Who is bold, indiscreet, improper unlogical
As verb : confused Ex:  impossibility should never be confused with improbability disconnected Ex:  The disconnected universes are conceived as being physical
As adjective : undue incongruous Ex:  Larnach Castle has often been criticised as being clumsy and incongruous odd Ex:  Many scholars have found it odd that Shakespeare would preposterous Ex:  Your excuse is preposterous . disproportionate Ex:  A disproportionate marriage irrational Ex:  The constant π is an irrational number inharmonious Ex:  inharmonious Sens insupportable unjustified unjustifiable illogical Ex:  an illogical mind unreconciled uneven Ex:  This area should be made flat as a pancake by removing all uneven ground. unconnected Ex:  The set for Rick's was built in three unconnected parts unconformable anomalous Ex:  Partial anomalous venous drainage. pointless Ex:  My zeal by you is pointless impotence where I am to serve you unreasonable Ex:  It means, by extension, say unreasonable things, extravagant inconsistent Ex:  The major complaints are the lack of buses and their inconsistent frequencies abrupt Ex:  It is quite abrupt in its spread incompatible Ex:  General relativity is presently known to be incompatible with quantum mechanics inappropriate Ex:  It seem inappropriate for us to intervene at this stage.
Suggested : differing in nature from what is ordinary, usual, or expected lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected fitful out of keeping or place inappropriate unbecoming unwarranted excessive without logical or meaningful connection disjointed rambling
Exampleअप्राकरणिक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अप्राकरणिक) aprakaranika can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : apraakaraNika

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