Meaning of (अभिरक्त) abhirakta in english

As noun : contiguous Ex:  The Sierra Nevada include the highest peak in the contiguous forty-eight states
conterminous relevance Ex:  The economics of information has relevance in many fields relevant Ex:  The relevant works in the new Edinburgh history of Scotland - Fraser affiliate Ex:  These federations themselves will affiliate with Internationals assoc attached Ex:  A tugboat is attached to anchor the ship. enamoured deeply indulged favourite Ex:  Ram was Dashraths favourite son" favorite Ex:  lobsters were flown to the special train of the south korean dictator as it were his favorite dish beloved Ex:  A good person is beloved by everyone sweetie sugar Ex:  She bought two kilo sugar from the supermarket. heart Ex:  she knew the poem by heart pet Ex:  My pet dog pricked up his ears as it heard a sound. sweetheart Ex:  He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart dear Ex:  I saw a dear with her fawns in the jungle.
As verb : mounted Ex:  the speaker mounted the platform adjoining Ex:  Enamel formation continues around the adjoining ameloblasts abutting Ex:  East of it are lowlands abutting Lake Maracaibo and the Gulf of Venezuela. allied Ex:  Italy and Japan allied with Germany in teh second world war coherent Ex:  He wasnt coherent on the phone. concerning Ex:  Selecting committee predisposed ram without concerning his biodata. interested Ex:  Pornographers are only interested in making maoney. involved Ex:  She was involved in a trouble. enamored Ex:  be enamored of the new doctrines, truth-loving
As adjective : adjacent Ex:  We live in adjacent flats. fond Ex:  He is fond of using metaphors in his speech. comely
Suggested : to be close to or in contact with abut on having a common boundary bordering contiguous seated or riding on a horse or other animal touching in contact lying near, close, or contiguous adjoining neighboring
Exampleअभिरक्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अभिरक्त) abhirakta can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : abhirakta

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