Meaning of (अभिसंध) abhisndha in english

As noun : con man Ex:  They encounter a con man named Simple Savior
cheat Ex:  Beware of all impostors who cheat people. thug Ex:  Wilbur threw a punch at the thug . racketeer swindler cracksman spoof Ex:  A spoof make out money from every person. traitorism thug/ruffian dupery elusiveness delusiveness charlatanry treachery Ex:  This treachery deeply hurt Ivan. fraud Ex:  However fraud was suspected as cause of his election imposture Ex:  It is easy to destroy this imposture duplicity Ex:  The event revealed the duplicity of this dangerous character cynic Ex:  He is a cynic who criticises everyone libeler vilifier detractor traducer slanderer Ex:  Go to a slanderer defamer
As adjective : dishonest Ex:  the extortion by dishonest officials of fees for performing their sworn duty
Suggested : to cheat (a person, business, etc) out of money or other assets a person engaged in a racket not honest disposed to lie, cheat, or steal not worthy of trust or belief a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer to defraud swindle
Exampleअभिसंध का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अभिसंध) abhisndha can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : abhis.ndha

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