Meaning of (अभ्यवस्कंद) abhyavasknda in english

As noun : hit Ex:  Meantime, the losses continue to hit the company hard.
catch Ex:  He make a spurt to catch the bus. get Ex:  you only get 3 outs per inning catch up with lay hands on Ex:  He dared to lay hands on his head get hands on dint Ex:  , This is practice makes perfect, by dint of practice to something, there becomes entitled aggression Ex:  Thus while human aggression may be a universal occurrence knock Ex:  You don't want any okra? Don't knock it . jerk Ex:  Some jerk snapped his cookies on the sidewalk . crack Ex:  You and your jokes really crack me up . blow Ex:  Sirocco blow from Africa to Europe. stroke Ex:  The stroke made him deaf. chop Ex:  the boat headed into the chop shock Ex:  He got a shock on removing the membrane. offence coup Ex:  Bokassa led a coup to overthrow Dacko hurt Ex:  He got hurt in the reins. jerkiness accent Ex:  I the word `remain,the accent is on the second syllable. dash Ex:  I'll dash off a note to her . beat Ex:  I beat the traffic wound Ex:  he feared that mentioning it might reopen the wound bruise Ex:  That's quite a bruise you have there . wherret whap concussion Ex:  He suffered from concussion in the accident. collapse Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union twilight Ex:  When he transforms into an animal in the twilight realm in Twilight Princess decay Ex:  the novel spun a miasma of death and decay descent Ex:  Philippus claimed descent from Alexander the Great decline Ex:  There has been a fractional decline in the petrol prices. fall Ex:  The momentum of his fall took both of them down too. ruination ruin Ex:  wrack and ruin ostracism Ex:  After Thucydides' ostracism precipitation Ex:  Despite high annual precipitation comedown deganeration downfall Ex:  Following President Sukarno's downfall in the mid-1960s
As verb : nab
As adjective : run down Ex:  Hey, man, let's run down some lines .
Suggested : to seize or capture, especially after pursuit to receive or come to have possession , use, or enjoyment of to seize or capture, especially after pursuit to deal a blow or stroke to to arrest or capture
Exampleअभ्यवस्कंद का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अभ्यवस्कंद) abhyavasknda can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : abhyavask.nda

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