Meaning of (अभ्यवहार) abhyavahara in english
As noun : board Ex: He is swotting for his board exams.
pick Ex: He leaned across to pick up his wallet. cuisine Ex: The cuisine of the Italian restaurant is excellent meal Ex: A meal should be taken at the proper time. dinner Ex: The dinner arrangements were quite good. meat Ex: I keep poultry in my farm.
I like to eat meat of poultry. ration Ex: � We shared my rum ration and his excellent sausage . dish Ex: A dainty teacup
A dainty dish to set before a kind food Ex: Rahul and Ajeet were eating food seprately. fare Ex: Send your son by rail.
What is the rail fare to Bombay. cheer Ex: The audience cut loose with a loud cheer . take out Ex: You shouldn't take out another loan . feed Ex: Petrol feed of this car is chocked up. eats Ex: She eats inelegantly. diet Ex: his followers slavishly believed in his new diet eatable
I like to eat meat of poultry. ration Ex: � We shared my rum ration and his excellent sausage . dish Ex: A dainty teacup
A dainty dish to set before a kind food Ex: Rahul and Ajeet were eating food seprately. fare Ex: Send your son by rail.
What is the rail fare to Bombay. cheer Ex: The audience cut loose with a loud cheer . take out Ex: You shouldn't take out another loan . feed Ex: Petrol feed of this car is chocked up. eats Ex: She eats inelegantly. diet Ex: his followers slavishly believed in his new diet eatable
As verb : dine Ex: The entire household, including servants, would ideally dine together. feast Ex: The wedding feast was excellent. eat Ex: I keep poultry in my farm.
I like to eat meat of poultry.
I like to eat meat of poultry.
As adjective : edible Ex: Carps are edible fishes.
Suggested : a style or quality of cooking cookery any rich or abundant meal to choose or select from among a group a piece of wood sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth compared with the thickness to eat the principal meal of the day have dinner
Exampleअभ्यवहार का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(अभ्यवहार) abhyavahara
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :