Meaning of (अमीली) ameelee in english

As noun : pretence
dupery perfidy Ex:  Committing perfidy swindle elusiveness deceitfulness deceit Ex:  With innocence, no purpose to hurt, without fraud or deceit treachery Ex:  A stroke of satire, slander, mockery, treachery hoax Ex:  He also said, in a similar sense, a joke, a hoax often repeated knavishness coggery chicanery Ex:  It is pure chicanery guile Ex:  MACHINE means, figuratively, Invention, intrigue, guile which is used in some case delusiveness traitorism charlatanry fraud Ex:  The Baninter fraud had a devastating effect on the Dominican economy imposture eye wash duplicity Ex:  It means figuratively Who duplicity game Ex:  She freshened up after the tennis game sham Ex:  Refuting a sham obliquity Ex:  Marine Road Deviation of a building caused by the obliquity sails, oriented as close to the wind insincerity cheat Ex:  I have a plan to cheat on the exam . circumvention protest Ex:  People also traveled to the capital to join the protest in the Square. revolt Ex:  General Jinjur leads the girls and women of Oz in a revolt by knitting needles resistance Ex:  As new sources of resistance become available, new lines are developed. objection Ex:  I'm certain no one will raise an objection . protestation antagonism Ex:  This antagonism was picked up by Henry Fielding contrast Ex:  It stood in contrast to the vision of Alexander Hamilton remonstrance Ex:  hazard a humble remonstrance opposition Ex:  There is a refutation of government proposals by opposition parties. repulsion Ex:  There are forces of attraction and repulsion between atoms. strife Ex:  With the weakening of the Commonwealth and growing religious strife counter Ex:  Our governments Economic polices are running counter to their plan. tamarind Ex:  We use tamarind in cooking. tamarindo
Suggested : given to deceiving eluding clear perception or complete mental grasp hard to express or define to cheat (a person, business, etc) out of money or other assets deliberate breach of faith or trust faithlessness treachery an act, practice, or instance of duping
Exampleअमीली का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अमीली) ameelee can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender composed of more than one word originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : amiilii

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