Meaning of (अरोर) arora in english

As noun : peace Ex:  India took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks उ:   अरोर सिंध की प्राचीन राजधानी था और इसपर अरोर राजवंश का राज था।
quell calm Ex:  The wind is calm about 35% of the time laid back calm down placid unflurried easygoing unagitated still Ex:  Despite her old age my grandmother is still very sprite. low key unevnetful uneventful smooth Ex:  If a smooth surface is desired soundless cold Ex:  It was biting cold outside. orderly Ex:  Army orderly
As verb : gentle Ex:  A gentle rain and fertile quieten sedate settled Ex:  They have settled in punjab permanently.
As adjective : unruffled mum tranquil comfortable Ex:  The child is looking comfortable while playing in Play pen. serene Ex:  The weather is cloudy, There are a lot of clouds, fog, time is not serene unflappable sleepy Ex:  When it's once sleepy one can not awaken cool Ex:  Her relations with her boss were cool and polite untroubled silent Ex:  Erich von Stroheim was a leading director of the silent era. demure equable noiseless
Suggested : without rough motion still or nearly still relaxed or unhurried without rough motion still or nearly still to suppress put an end to extinguish the normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world
Exampleअरोर का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अरोर) arora can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : arora

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