Meaning of (अर्थयुक्ति) arthayukti in english

As noun : procurement Ex:  he was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies
acquisition Ex:  Prior to its acquisition by Chevron attainment Ex:  After attainment of Bodhi realization Ex:  With this realization receipt Ex:  unstaple the piece of paper from the receipt takings Ex:  His business has good takings every day. realisation gain Ex:  It was all part of his masterplan to gain control over the company. gain Ex:  It was all part of his masterplan to gain control over the company. advantage Ex:  They were sleeping on a double be
It has a double advantage of being cheap and effective
benefit Ex:  The people who could not attend the job because of illness get sickness benefit from the government. yield Ex:  Many areas along the west coast are good fisheries which yield good catch. issue Ex:  He sidestepped the issue by saying it was not his responsibility. profit Ex:  I know I will profit from this investment . fruit Ex:  He is playing with the fruit machine. payoff Ex:  Friend or Foe has a payoff model between "Prisoner's Dilemma" and "Chicken". boot Ex:  I scuffed the toe of my boot on the step. proceeds Ex:  We will allot a share of the proceeds to charity . interest Ex:  He has reinvested the interest from U.T.I. certificates in a bank account. return Ex:  the return of spring mileage Ex:  Bob always got a lot of mileage out of one joke . behoof Ex:  Medicines are behoof for patients. pluto gearing Ex:  Road bicycles have close set multi-step gearing spoil Ex:  Often blusterous people spoil the party.
Suggested : a written acknowledgment of having received , or taken into one's possession , a specified amount of money, goods, etc the making or being made real of something imagined, planned, etc an act of attaining the act of acquiring or gaining possession the act of procuring , or obtaining or getting by effort, care, or the use of special means
Exampleअर्थयुक्ति का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अर्थयुक्ति) arthayukti can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : arthayukti

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