Meaning of (अलोलु) alolu in english
As noun : pulp Ex:  Most of the kashmir handicraft items are made from pulp of waste paper.
uninterested chilly Ex:  A climate zone characterized by hot, humid summers and chilly to mild winters. nonchalant Ex:  character who is nonchalant deaf Ex:  Stuttering is less prevalent in deaf and hard of hearing individuals
As verb : dispiriting
As adjective : indifferent Ex:  The word "stoic" now commonly refers to someone indifferent to pain insensitive Ex:  be insensitive to interest incurious dispirited apathetic disinterested Ex:  For me, I am totally disinterested in this matter stoical unresponsive unconcerned distant Ex:  The most distant known open cluster in our galaxy is Berkeley 29
As adverb : offhand
Suggested : having or showing little or no emotion the soft, juicy, edible part of a fruit not curious not inquisitive or observant inattentive indifferent deficient in human sensibility, acuteness of feeling, or consideration unfeeling callous without interest or concern not caring apathetic
Word of the day
(अलोलु) alolu
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :