Meaning of (अल्लोल) allola in english
As noun : naughty Ex:  beggar Occupation, naughty action
giddy flighty wavering Ex:  These witnesses are wavering in their depositions quivering Ex:  It is said, by analogy, a thing trembling, quivering slightly shaking Ex:  Mugabe surprised Prince Charles by shaking his hand during the service. wanton Ex:  , Leading chair Stick life Conduct a hectic life and wanton
As adjective : pendulous Ex:  I have a wall clock with a pendulous bell. fickle Ex:  Plutarch lauds Demosthenes for not being of a fickle disposition. scatterbrained restless Ex:  Once back in Concord, Thoreau went through a restless period. volatile Ex:  The latter is less significant and less volatile than commodity movements. nimble Ex:  A nimble About flickering Ex:  Approach flickering unstable Ex:  The superacid HF/SbF5 forms unstable compounds containing the + ion. unsteady Ex:  , This is a rocky castle, called Someone or Something unsteady and seems ready to fall mercurial Ex:  Water mercurial harum scarum playful Ex:  Sharks have even been known to engage in playful activities . skittish Ex:  it's a strong man skittish mobile Ex:  I talk to my friends by my mobile phone.
Suggested : characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest affected with vertigo dizzy disobedient mischievous (used especially in speaking to or about children) likely to change, especially due to caprice, irresolution, or instability casually changeable hanging down loosely
Exampleअल्लोल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(अल्लोल) allola
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :