Meaning of (अवश्थ) avashtha in english
As noun : circular Ex:  The students were in a state of fluster due to the new circular from the principal.
absurd Ex:  An absurd reasoning idle Ex:  By extension , idle Life, Life of an idle person nonsense Ex:  I'm tired of hearing nonsense empty Ex:  We faced an empty larder. dead Ex:  This whole job is dead easy . hollow Ex:  Second, they can inject venom via their hollow fangs. without avail unavailing in vain Ex:  He tried in vain to shake my resolution not worth a straw waste Ex:  Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials wasted Ex:  Rommel wasted little time in launching his own offensive on 31 March. not worth a damn to no avail pointless not worth a red cent to little avail not worth a tinkers cuss null Ex:  Pāṇini used the null operator in the Ashtadhyayi ill conceived bootless thankless Ex:  Material poor, barren, thankless barren Ex:  He closed down his studio on the barren Baltic island of Fårö nonentity Ex:  They also say absolutely This man is a nonentity
As verb : wasted Ex:  Rommel wasted little time in launching his own offensive on 31 March.
As adjective : meaningless Ex:  Lambert continued, "melodic fragments in are completely meaningless themselves. otiose pointless nugatory nonsensical worthless Ex:  It also means a fleeting Journal and worthless superfluous Ex:  Agriculture Ridding buds superfluous vain Ex:  Napoleon , is apparently as vain as himself. futile Ex:  The delay rendered these measures largely futile infructuous useless Ex:  By extension, it also means haywire, render useless idle Ex:  By extension , idle Life, Life of an idle person fruitless Ex:  fruitless job sterile Ex:  A barren land and barren, sterile unproductive
As adverb : unprofitably vainly Ex:  He vainly tried to refute the
Suggested : words or language having little or no sense or meaning being at leisure idle indolent not working or active unemployed doing nothing utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue contrary to all reason or common sense laughably foolish or false having the form of a circle round
Word of the day
(अवश्थ) avashtha
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :