Meaning of (अविकासी) avikasee in english
As noun : good for nothing Ex:  They said he was full of intelligence; but in fact take and it is good for nothing
neer do well useless Ex:  Character from what is vain, empty, useless bum no hoper defunct Ex:  A now defunct professional football team sedentary Ex:  A sedentary non-sleeping animal is more likely to survive predators vegetive idle Ex:  Do not spare wood, you do chômerez point, it does not let you be idle vegetative Ex:  The vegetative buds can also give rise to new plants . dead Ex:  It was so dead easy, Frank did it with one hand . adynamic Ex:  état adynamic undynamic
As adjective : worthless Ex:  It is, by extension, dirty things, spoiled or worthless miserable Ex:  The band described the tour as a miserable experience useless, lazy (if used as adjective shiftless hopeless Ex:  Realizing it was hopeless stagnant Ex:  state what is stagnant inactive Ex:  Although he had been inactive for two and a half years torpid phlegmatic Ex:  Caractère phlegmatic inoperable Ex:  Literature and Fine Arts Jobs word, phrase or ancient towers processes and inoperable silent Ex:  During the silent era
Suggested : a person who avoids work and sponges on others loafer idler of no use not serving the purpose or any purpose unavailing or futile wretchedly unhappy, uneasy, or uncomfortable an idle, worthless person a person who is ineffectual, unsuccessful, or completely lacking in merit good-for-nothing worthless of no use
Word of the day
(अविकासी) avikasee
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :