Meaning of (अविलष्ट) avilashta in english
As noun : light Ex:  The car tyres needed light adjustments for driving on Indian roads.
natural Ex:  The perfumes are extracted in their natural state from a musk deers glands. innate Ex:  This innate knowledge is often referred to as universal grammar. plain Ex:  The coastal plain usually receives only one inch of snow and/or ice annually unstrained automatic Ex:  It has Hong Kong's biggest branch network and 450 automatic teller machines. simple Ex:  the explanation was very simple unforced Ex:  Williams hits a relatively high number of unforced errors. smooth Ex:  Baldwin described it as being as smooth as flying. uncontrived underived unstudied natural, simple effortless Ex:  the swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air unexacting gift Ex:  This small gift as a token will be a boost for the childs improvement. handy Ex:  Torch is handy when there is a power failure. upright Ex:  He usually appeared in public standing upright straight forward uncomplicated artless convenient Ex:  Tehran has one of the cleanest and most convenient metro systems thru vertical Ex:  Most krill species display large daily vertical migrations untwisted unrecorded on end unmediated straightaway unsloped precipitously fair Ex:  The material record is closer to a fair representation of society clean Ex:  spotlessly clean unpermed straightway unbent plumb Ex:  It is also used transitively and means be over something, a position out of plumb full Ex:  The USA makes full utilization of the available resources. undeviating
As verb : unlearned direct Ex:  In direct relation to that fact, most cats dislike immersion in water. accommodating Ex:  More accommodating viewpoints live Ex:  Does God live in tabernacles only? Perhaps not.
As adjective : facile Ex:  He has the ability to find too facile a solution for so complex a problem. approachable Ex:  This place is approachable elegant Ex:  shes an elegant dresser spontaneous Ex:  There have also been spontaneous explosions. fluent Ex:  she was sufficiently fluent in Mandarin instinctive Ex:  She has an instinctive affection towards the animals . easy Ex:  Stoneless dates are easy to chew. unconditioned inbred Ex:  Sister inbred unmannered convenient Ex:  Tehran has one of the cleanest and most convenient metro systems elementary Ex:  The nucleus has elementary particle like proton. soft Ex:  In place of cotton,foam is used to fill matresses to make them soft and long lasting. molecular Ex:  The oxidation of iron sulfide pyrite by molecular oxygen produces iron easy Ex:  Stoneless dates are easy to chew. naive Ex:  By extension, a naive vanity straightforward Ex:  The style of these novels is generally straightforward and tractable light Ex:  The car tyres needed light adjustments for driving on Indian roads. accommodative simple minded unproblematic severe Ex:  The law also placed severe restrictions on the possession simple Ex:  the explanation was very simple right Ex:  He usually appeared in public standing upright straight Ex:  As straight line. direct Ex:  In direct relation to that fact, most cats dislike immersion in water. point blank perpendicular Ex:  Unless the plane of the orbit happens to be perpendicular to the line of sight unswerving implicit Ex:  Previously implicit in his teaching certain Ex:  The Founding Fathers acted on certain moral principles undisputed Ex:  It is undisputed that the Internal Revenue Collector of the Port of St. incontestable Ex:  incontestable proof indisputable Ex:  There is no indisputable evidence that such a person ever existed.
As adverb : unswervingly through Ex:  She sailed through her exams head on Ex:  Agesilaus met their force head on
Suggested : existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial ) tastefully fine or luxurious in dress, style, design, etc something that makes things visible or affords illumination capable of being approached accessible moving, acting, working, proceeding, etc, with ease, sometimes with superficiality
Exampleअविलष्ट का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(अविलष्ट) avilashta
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :