Meaning of (अविलास) avilasa in english

As noun : stalwart Ex:  Backed by Motown's stalwart studio band
faithfully Ex:  faithfully administer sure Ex:  He sure has excellent mechanistic capabilities. trusty Ex:  My trusty old friend came to my help. sterling Ex:  For example, in the UK the public donated roughly £330,000,000 sterling . trusted Ex:  I blindly trusted him but he came out to be a Judas. static Ex:  In his work on static electricity steady Ex:  After a period of steady growth from 1985 to 1995 intent Ex:  The intent was to eventually reprint every Sunday Krazy Kat constant Ex:  Mercenaries were also a constant threat to their employers still Ex:  Her mother still chaperons her. motionless ground Ex:  The perimeter of this ground is 260 meters. rest Ex:  some mute inglorious Milton here may rest dead Ex:  She acts like she is dead from the neck up . unchanging four square at rest Ex:  A reference frame is an observational perspective in space at rest settled Ex:  Let's get this settled now .
As verb : tried Ex:  She tried to come innocent. convincing Ex:  a convincing story fixed Ex:  He has fixed ideas about his son.
As adjective : trustworthy Ex:  The motherliness of her aunt, has transformed Mohan into a responsible
and trustworthy person.
reliable Ex:  It is a much more complete and reliable text safe Ex:  Filteration plants should be put up by the municipalities to supply safe drinking water to the citizens. authentic Ex:  The machine used in the film was an authentic Enigma obtained from a collector. credible Ex:  NIH, was rejected as not credible by the Food and Drug Administration. certain Ex:  You can expect a certain amount of confusion in the meeting. stable Ex:  One of the most stable and prosperous of the post-Communist states stationary Ex:  After several years serving as a switching engine and stationary boiler steadfast pacific firm Ex:  I have firm belief in Ram. stagnent immobile definitive Ex:  A more definitive diagnosis can be obtained using corneal topography quiet Ex:  She's a quiet little kid . unmoved Ex:  The martyrs showed unmoved amid the torments equable untrembling sure Ex:  He sure has excellent mechanistic capabilities.
As adverb : stock still
Suggested : free from doubt as to the reliability, character, action, etc, of something not false or copied genuine real strict or thorough in the performance of duty secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk strongly and stoutly built sturdy and robust
Exampleअविलास का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अविलास) avilasa can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : avilaasa

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