Meaning of (अविवादी) avivadee in english

As noun : peace Ex:  in August 1914 , there was a dismally sentimental little dinner, when the French, German, Austrian and Belgian members of the committee drank together to the peace of the future
quell calm Ex:  The early morning calm on the isthmus during settled weather laid back calm down placid unflurried easygoing unagitated still Ex:  there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse low key unevnetful uneventful smooth Ex:  This allows the frog to grip smooth surfaces soundless cold Ex:  Your children have infected you with this bead cold orderly Ex:  He is very orderly
As verb : gentle Ex:  A gentle retention quieten sedate settled Ex:  Tom, it's time you and I settled the score .
As adjective : unruffled mum tranquil comfortable Ex:  Double duvet will be very comfortable on bed serene Ex:  This man serene brow unflappable sleepy Ex:  , Sleep dwells eyes his eyelids, The sleepy starts making him close his eyelids cool Ex:  He was given a cool reception. untroubled silent Ex:  Gainsborough Pictures, designing the titles for silent movies. demure equable noiseless
Suggested : without rough motion still or nearly still relaxed or unhurried without rough motion still or nearly still to suppress put an end to extinguish the normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world
Exampleअविवादी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अविवादी) avivadee can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : avivaadii

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