Meaning of (अस) asa in english
As noun : similar Ex:  Snap! your bag is similar to mine. उ: ;हिय हिंडोल अस डोलै मोरा।
equivalent Ex:  The English equivalent for the word would be "Hungarian". उ: ;मुहमद सती सराहिये ,जरै जो अस पिउ लागि। parallel Ex:  This datum can then be used in parallel with checking the full tag. उ: निशि दिन रहें कर्त्तव्य रल, अस शक्ति हमनें कीजियें। same Ex:  Both friends belong to the same category in service. even Ex:  These injustices embittered her even more common Ex:  population growth is a common problem these days. like Ex:  I like the curry made of beans. coterie Ex:  It employs little more than figuratively and familiarly with the direction of Bringing in a party, in a coterie undisputed Ex:  Facts undisputed
As adjective : akin Ex:  Concepts akin to a robot can be found as long ago as the 4th century BC equal Ex:  he match was scoredraw because both the teams get equal points. similar Ex:  Snap! your bag is similar to mine. उ: ;हिय हिंडोल अस डोलै मोरा। fifty fifty close Ex:  I close this letter with best remembrances to you and your parents.
As adverb : such Ex:  Some consonants such as `p, `t, and `k are voiceless. उ: कल्याण होये विश्व का, अस ज्ञान हमको दीजिये। so Ex:  How can she be so dense? उ: ;जिनि अस जीव करसि तू बारी।
Other : equi non-parallel enantiotropy
Suggested : extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never converging or diverging equal in value, measure, force , effect, significance, etc having a likeness or resemblance, especially in a general way in the way or manner indicated, described, or implied of the kind, character, degree, extent, etc, of that or those indicated or implied
Exampleअस का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of अस:
1. ‘डिलीवर अस फ्रॉम एविल’ सच्ची घटनाओं पर आधारित एक ऐसी फिल्म है जिसे देखकर आप सोच में पड़ जाएंगे कि क्या ऐसा सच में होता हैibnlive.com2. समीक्षा: बेचैन कर देगी ‘डिलीवर अस फ्रॉम एविल’ ibnlive.com3. जब 20 मिनट में एबूंलेंस अस सकती है तो पुलिस क्यों नहीं LiveHindustan
(अस) asa
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 2 including vowels consonants. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :