Meaning of (असंगत) asangat in english

As noun : incoherent उ:   अंक और दृश्यों का विभाजन भी असंगत है।
desultory Ex:  I could not take care of this matter only desultory absurd Ex:  An absurd vanity is fallen to his share improper Ex:  , Complaining that the bride is too beautiful, improper thing we should rent unlogical
As verb : confused Ex:  She confused me about the time of the concert . disconnected
As adjective : undue उ:   यह न्यायिक उपयोग के अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानकों के साथ असंगत भी है। incongruous Ex:  It is a strong character incongruous उ:   कुछ मायनों में, शुरुआत से यह जोड़ा असंगत प्रतीत होता था। odd Ex:  Of the 120 odd 'diggers' detained after the rebellion preposterous disproportionate Ex:  , It s' is done the lion's share, the disproportionate share which takes the strongest irrational Ex:  Quantité irrational inharmonious Ex:  The inharmonious insupportable unjustified unjustifiable illogical unreconciled uneven Ex:  Population distribution is extremely uneven unconnected unconformable anomalous Ex:  Davidson argued that anomalous monism follows from three plausible theses. pointless unreasonable inconsistent Ex:  A character inconsistent abrupt Ex:  Mountain abrupt incompatible Ex:  Such laws are incompatible with our morals inappropriate Ex:  Smith makes it clear that he regards selfishness as inappropriate
Other : not connected: incoherent bizarre Ex:  It also means Who ridiculous and bizarre appearance senseless irrelevant Ex:  The addition of a seemingly irrelevant acronym discordant Ex:  Do so and are not accordants tones among themselves, they are discordant irrelevance absurdity Ex:  We can demonstrate the truth of this proposal by reducing the impossible by reducing to absurdity irrationality incompatibility Ex:  It also means opposition, incompatibility between two or more things or between elements of the same thing anomaly Ex:  He also said, in terms of medicine, consisting of an anomaly in that one or more organs are on the side of the body opposite to the one they normally occupy unagreeable taboo Ex:  Within the family, it was considered a taboo subject.
Suggested : differing in nature from what is ordinary, usual, or expected lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected fitful out of keeping or place inappropriate unbecoming unwarranted excessive without logical or meaningful connection disjointed rambling
Exampleअसंगत का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of असंगत:
1. - डिपार्टमेंट ने कहा है कि एडवोकेट कई बार मुकदमों में राज्य सरकार की नीति से असंगत तथ्य प्रस्तुत कर देते हैं
(असंगत) asangat can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : asa.ngata

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