Meaning of (असम्बद्ध) asambaddh in english
As adjective : abrupt Ex:  Often it is gentle as a lamb, and other times it is abrupt and won उ: इरा ऐसे ही असम्बद्ध हो जाती है।
Other : transilient irrelative irrespective Ex:  It includes the equal treatment of all citizens irrespective of race incohesive incongruous Ex:  Response incongruous extrinsic Ex:  This approach contrasts with the extrinsic point of view incoherent loose Ex:  Yes, he has a screw loose somewhere . rambling Ex:  The rambling of style detached Ex:  Also called Main building a housing detached from the mass of the main building extraneous
Suggested : without logical or meaningful connection disjointed rambling not essential or inherent not a basic part or quality extraneous out of keeping or place inappropriate unbecoming not attached sudden or unexpected
Word of the day
(असम्बद्ध) asambaddh
can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras.
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