Meaning of (असिस्टंट) asistnta in english

As noun : aide Ex:  The Prime Minister sent his aide for the talk.
assistant Ex:  the assistant masters formed a committee of their own to consider what could be done educationally for the town lieutenant Ex:  He is a lieutenant in the army.? appurtenant accessory Ex:  Kerouac was arrested as an accessory in the murder of David Kammerer adjuvant Ex:  An equal character is a valuable adjuvant tributary Ex:  Following this, Athens placed Potidaea, a tributary ally of Athens help Ex:  Her help was involuntary. feeder Ex:  It is an energetic feeder asst adjutant Ex:  Sergeant Major, Formerly, the first non-commissioned officers of a company after the adjutant subsidiary Ex:  Vincent Health Center became a subsidiary of St. friendly Ex:  India and Srilanka played friendly match here. supporting Ex:  Rather than square houses with supporting wings helper Ex:  Idelette Calvin died in 1549. Calvin wrote that she was a helper in ministry following Ex:  the following errors are in your calculations. second in command Ex:  He was made Caesar's second in command sidekick Ex:  Make the sidekick functions at a High Mass acolyte Ex:  Arnold Schoenberg and his acolyte Alban Berg adjunct contributing Ex:  , contributing negatively to regional stability. party Ex:  Bachelorette party is to be held at 9 P.m. mate Ex:  Other popular items include Dulce de Leche and mate servo Ex:  Memor esto verbi tui servo tuo contributive supporter Ex:  He is a supporter of Industrialism. accessorial assoc
As adjective : auxiliary Ex:  38 cruisers , 112 destroyers, 65 submarines, and various auxiliary ships. conducive Ex:  The soil is rich in minerals and humus, thus conducive to plantation. instrumental Ex:  He was largely instrumental in negotiating the peace settlement. helpful Ex:  I know about this polity, It may be helpful for our family. ancillary Ex:  Amours ancillary contributory
Suggested : appertaining or belonging pertaining additional supplementary reserve Military
first lieutenant a person who assists or gives aid and support helper nurse's aide
Exampleअसिस्टंट का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(असिस्टंट) asistnta can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from English language . Transliteration : asisT.nTa

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