Meaning of ad in english

Interpreting ad - आड़
As noun : bar Ex:  Todd broke away a piece from the bar of candy . उ:   इसके अलावा दो लाख साइट शिक्षा की आड़ में चलायी जा रही हैं।
guise Ex:  It s 'has made himself master of the case under the guise of serving the veil Ex:  A villain who is covered with the veil of piety, devotion उ:   ऐसे में ग्रिफ़िथ किसी आड़ में छुपकर शूटिंग देखा करते थे। cloak Ex:  A cloak lined with plush
Other : shield Ex:  The field of a shield in heraldry can be divided into more than one tincture shelter Ex:  Their purpose was to give shelter and education to children who were abandoned or transverse marking shelter Ex:  MRQ-12 direct air support vehicles, S250 shelter carriers, and in other roles. refuge Ex:  Lucia and Grenada and seeking refuge in mainland St. . Ex:  A violin is a musical instrument . chock (for wheels covering Ex:  Ladies use fishnet for covering their hair. screen Ex:  a 100 mesh screen protection Ex:  Scarecrow uses for the protection of crops. obstruction support Ex:  drum up support ornament or decoration (worn on the forehead by women): an elongated spangle wind belt tumbler scheme
Suggested : something beneath, behind, or within which a person, animal, or thing is protected from storms, missiles, adverse conditions, etc refuge a loose outer garment, as a cape or coat a piece of opaque or transparent material worn over the face for concealment, for protection from the elements, or to enhance the appearance general external appearance aspect semblance a relatively long, evenly shaped piece of some solid substance, as metal or wood, used as a guard or obstruction or for some mechanical purpose
Exampleआड़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ad Antonyms of ad

Word of the day
Usage of आड़:
1. दक्षिण फ्रांस के रिवेडॉक्स स्थित री द्वीप पर एक पुल की आड़ में 2016 का अंतिम बड़ा चांद बुधवार रात कुछ इस अंदाज में दिखाई दियाlivehindustan.com2. पाकिस्तानी सेना की गोलीबारी की आड़ में भारत में घुसे आतंकियों ने बर्बरता की सारी हदें पार कर दींlivehindustan.com3. सिलाई सेंटर की आड़ में चल रहा था देह व्यापार का धंधा, दो पकड़ी गईंlivehindustan.comRelated words :
ad can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : aaDa

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