Meaning of age ka katanevala (chauda) dant in english

Interpreting age ka katanevala (chauda) dant - आगे का काटनेवाला (चौडा) दाँत
As noun :
incisor Ex:  In terms of veterinary Art, it means Those incisor teeth that are closest to the teeth on either side of the horse's mouth
Exampleआगे का काटनेवाला (चौडा) दाँत का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of age ka katanevala (chauda) dant

Word of the day
age ka katanevala (chauda) dant can be used as noun.No of characters: 28 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : aage kaa kaaTanevaalaa (chauDaa) daa.Nta

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