Meaning of anandotsav in english

Interpreting anandotsav - आनन्दोत्सव
As noun : revelry उ:   पेरिस में भी पेरिस कार्निवल नामक आनंदोत्सव मनाया जाता है।
revel Ex:  revel means colloquially Take great pleasure in something merry go round festivity revelry
Other : saturnalia Ex:  These anarchy were bloody saturnalia carnival Ex:  The carnival of the city of Basel is a major cultural event in the year.
Suggested : a traveling amusement show, having sideshows, rides, etc a festive celebration or occasion Also called carousel , carrousel (in amusement parks, carnivals, etc) a revolving, circular platform with wooden horses or other animals, benches, etc, on which people may sit or ride, usually to the accompaniment of mechanical or recorded music
Exampleआनन्दोत्सव का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of anandotsav Antonyms of anandotsav

Word of the day
anandotsav can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : aanandotsava

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