Meaning of aropan in english
Interpreting aropan - आरोपण
As noun : levy Ex:  The state does not levy personal or corporate income taxes उ: डिवाइस का आरोपण अपेक्षाकृत आसान है।
attribution Ex:  the attribution of language to birds उ: जब यह गर्भकला के संपर्क में आता है, यह आरोपण करता है। ascription उ: प्रकृति में चेतना का आरोपण सर्व प्रथम छायावादी कवियों ने ही किया है। implantation Ex:  If implantation does not occur within approximately two weeks उ: मनुष्य पर अनुशासन का आरोपण ही सामाजिक और नैतिक बुराइयों का जनक है। imposition Ex:  Some states around Mexico rebelled against this imposition
Other : placing or fixing (on attributing (to allegation Ex:  It is the greater likelihood that this allegation is false accusation Ex:  He said specifically of Action to defend someone against an accusation or a court, or in social relationships transplanting Ex:  The process of transplanting music between cultures is not without criticism. ?? charge Ex:  Britain took charge of the EU Presidency in July 2005 superimposition mount Ex:  The highest peak of Azerbaijan is mount Bazardüzü projection Ex:  The views are consistent with an orthographic projection of a human body transplantation Ex:  Identifying the moment of death is important in cases of transplantation presentment obtrusion
Suggested : the act of alleging affirmation the laying on of something as a burden or obligation the act of ascribing the act of attributing ascription an imposing or collecting, as of a tax, by authority or force
Exampleआरोपण का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of aropan Antonyms of aropan
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : आरोपणा करना - implant आरोपणीय - attributable
As verb : आरोपण करना - impose
Other : आरोपण टिशू - mouting tissue आरोपण पद्धति - levy system आरोपण माध्यम - mounting media आरोपणलाछन - आरोपणी कागज - mounting paper आरोपना -
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :