Meaning of asakt in english
Interpreting asakt - आसक्त
As verb : infatuated Ex:  She is infatuated with John . उ: आसक्त मूलतः संस्कृत का शब्द है।
addicted Ex:  With that definition, humans can become addicted to various drugs quickly. उ: स्त्री पर जो आसक्त हैं उनको धर्म की प्राप्ति नहीं हो पाती। enamoured
Other : fond Ex:  Americans are fond of drinking punch. उ: जो साधक उनमें आसक्त हो जाते हैं, उनका पतन अवश्यंभावी है। charmed Ex:  he was charmed by the sweetness of her manner उ: इसलिए तुम लोग प्रयास करो जिससे शिव पार्वती के प्रति आसक्त हों। ?? उ: जब पूर्णमल महल वापस पहुँचता है तो नवीना उसपर आसक्त हो जाती है। devoted (to addict Ex:  substantively, a morphine addict, a morphine addict attached Ex:  The pedals of a bicycle are attached to a crank. fascinated Ex:  Billy is fascinated with Gizmo strongly attached ( to engrossed (in infatuated (with obsessed Ex:  he is obsessed by facebook
Suggested : to attract and hold attentively by a unique power, personal charm, unusual nature , or some other special quality enthrall joined connected bound a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance having a liking or affection for (usually followed by of ) to inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love
Exampleआसक्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of asakt Antonyms of asakt
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : आसक्त चित्त - intent आसक्ति - infatuation
As verb : आसक्तिपूर्ण ढंग से घूरना - ogle
can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :