Meaning of ashaheen,ashahin in english
Interpreting ashaheen,ashahin - आशाहीन्
As noun : funk Ex:  Don't get in a funk about your job .
desperate Ex:  The desperate Red Army resistance, however, had greatly slowed the Wehrmacht.
As adjective : despondent Ex:  A despondent Garland slashed her throat with a broken water glass.
Other : disgusted Ex:  Im disgusted by her acrebity. despairing disappointed/hopeless without hope Ex:  The gray corresponds to immobility without hope unpromising Ex:  While no one particularly wanted such economically unpromising colonies inexpectant
Suggested : reckless or dangerous because of despair or urgency
Exampleआशाहीन् का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ashaheen,ashahin Antonyms of ashaheen,ashahin
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As noun : आशाहीन हो कर दुःसाहसपूर्वक - desperately आशाहीनता - desperation
Other : आशाहीनता से - irredeemably
can be used as noun.. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras.
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