Meaning of atmasanyamee,atmasanyami in english
Interpreting atmasanyamee,atmasanyami - आत्मसंयमी
As adjective : continent Ex: While the Southern Ocean surrounds the Antarctic continent temperate Ex: a temperate region
Other : ascetic Ex: In the ascetic language, Take discretion Receive patiently, with resignation
Suggested : a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons of or pertaining to the school of philosophy founded by Zeno, who taught that people should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submit without complaint to unavoidable necessity moderate or self-restrained not extreme in opinion, statement, etc one of the main landmasses of the globe, usually reckoned as seven in number (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica)
Exampleआत्मसंयमी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of atmasanyamee,atmasanyami Antonyms of atmasanyamee,atmasanyami
Word of the day
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including vowels consonants matras.
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