Meaning of atmeey,atmiy in english
Interpreting atmeey,atmiy - आत्मीय
As noun : intimate Ex:  Many of his intimate thoughts were repeated by a protagonist of The Cossacks उ: जो प्रकृति और प्रेम के आत्मीय संबंध और गरिमा का सम्मान करता हो।
private Ex:  I'd like to speak to you in private .
Other : kith and kin ones own intimate relationship Ex:  Having an intimate relationship with someone close friend Ex:  I value you as a close friend . special Ex:  It is a special bus that seats 100 people. close Ex:  I had to close my eyes to the carnage about me . one's own Ex:  ", Immanuel Kant described it simply as freedom to use one's own intelligence. relative Ex:  Einsteins theory of the universe,which states that all motion is relative and treats time as a fourth dimension related to space.
Tell me what is the relativity of water and mercury. related Ex:  We do not know the legal issues related to the problem. pertaining to self close affinity
Tell me what is the relativity of water and mercury. related Ex:  We do not know the legal issues related to the problem. pertaining to self close affinity
Suggested : a person who is connected with another or others by blood or marriage to put (something) in a position to obstruct an entrance, opening, etc shut of a distinct or particular kind or character belonging to some particular person associated in close personal relations
Exampleआत्मीय का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of atmeey,atmiy Antonyms of atmeey,atmiy
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Usage of आत्मीय:
1. इसके चलते वे तनाव अवसाद का शिकार हो रही हैं, जिसका दुष्परिणाम आत्मीय संबंधों तक में गलतफहमी पैदा करता है bhaskar.com2. हौले-हौले उभरती मुस्कान और खुलकर बरसती हंसी... कृति सैनन आत्मीय व्यवहार से प्रशंसकों का मन जीत लेती हैं bhaskar.com3. सादगी से मिली आत्मीय खुशी पेशे से सोने-चांदी के कारीगर... bhaskar.comRelated words :As noun : आत्मीय मित्र - soul mate आत्मीयता - intimacy
Other : आत्मीय सचिव - private secretary
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :