Meaning of (आँबठ) aँbatha in english

As noun : shore Ex:  I saw a beautiful house on the shore of river Ganga.
verge Ex:  Vehicles may not be parked on the verge of the road. edge Ex:  the road leaves off at the edge of the forest coast Ex:  the art of the natives of the northwest coast margo visor Ex:  Breaking visor is used to say to own weapons when a man broke his lance into the visor of the person against whom he ran strand Ex:  As DNA polymerases can only extend a DNA strand in a 5′ to 3′ direction brink Ex:  He was at the brink of loosing the match. fringe Ex:  Their house is located on the fringe of the forest. list Ex:  I gave the itemised list in the store. kerb board Ex:  I was learning against the board but did not know that it was just painted. side Ex:  The high tides rolled the boat from side to side. border Ex:  Our friends camped on the border of a river. brim Ex:  A red border, a wine glass filled to the brim inside Ex:  Submarine has a periscope to see the view of over the water surface from inside the water. rim Ex:  Modern bicycle brakes are either rim brakes lip Ex:  Also on the crater lip of Tiscapa is the Las Masmorras eyeshade surround Ex:  Big trees surround the lakeside. skirt Ex:  Her skirt was decorated by piping. frame Ex:  I broke the frame of my spectacles. vizor bank Ex:  they pulled the canoe up on the bank turn Ex:  Plug in the lamp and turn it on . top Ex:  I got a tweed top stiched last week. spell Ex:  Ken has Karen under his spell . service Ex:  I have a gripe about the service here call Ex:  the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee go Ex:  Heinous crimes should not go unpunished. round Ex:  Big trees surround the lakeside.
Suggested : to drive or leave (a ship, fish, etc) aground or ashore Armor
(on a close helmet) a piece having slits or holes for vision , situated above and pivoted with a beaver or a ventail and beaver See diag under close helmet the land next to the sea seashore the edge, rim, or margin of something the land along the edge of a sea, lake, broad river, etc
Exampleआँबठ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(आँबठ) aँbatha can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : aaँbaTha

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