Meaning of (आकर्षिक) akarshika in english

As noun : ravishing
flamboyant Ex:  Renowned for his flamboyant lifestyle outside the ring fascinating Ex:  A fascinating example of this is the Cheapside Hoard attractive Ex:  Clothes will be dyed to look attractive personable Ex:  His personable commands respect winning Ex:  He was breathing shallowly after winning the race. catchy Ex:  Copywriters write catchy slogans. arresting Ex:  Thirty minutes were needed to clear the runway and rig an arresting cable. charm Ex:  The charm quark was postulated by Sheldon Glashow call Ex:  Ill not call her by. toothsome sweet Ex:  Jelly is a sweet food made from sugar water and fruit . taking Ex:  Radiography is the process of taking X-ray photographs. catch Ex:  I'm sure it will catch on . stateliness Ex:  she served coffee with great stateliness profile Ex:  The Indian women's cricket team has a much lower profile than the men's team. cunning Ex:  A cunning badge
As verb : charming Ex:  Eyes are very charming of my grilfriend . alluring Ex:  She is transformed into an incredibly alluring woman sleek Ex:  She has sleek hair. engaging Ex:  The lex Claudia forbade members of the Senate from engaging in commerce fetching
As adjective : exotic Ex:  After Hector's death the Trojans were joined by two exotic allies seductive Ex:  The seductive god plies her with beer cute Ex:  It unfolded into a cute scene . voluptuous Ex:  A description voluptuous graceful Ex:  Beautiful, charming , graceful contours snappy Ex:  He is a snappy driver. appealing Ex:  The musicians vibrato is appealing beautiful Ex:  My friend ha srecently bought a beautiful pump on her birthday. quaint pert goodly prepossessing stately Ex:  He returned to his stately home at Clandeboye in poor health luscious presentable Ex:  I'm not presentable today droolworthy juicy Ex:  Robbins always writes juicy novels. foxy
As adverb : mighty Ex:  It is a young mighty and strong
Other : attracting Ex:  The male continues booming in the hope of attracting another female. drawing Ex:  This drawing is made with crayons.
Suggested : attractive, especially in a dainty way pleasingly pretty to attract and hold attentively by a unique power, personal charm, unusual nature , or some other special quality enthrall strikingly bold or brilliant showy to fill with strong emotion, especially joy of foreign origin or character not native introduced from abroad, but not fully naturalized or acclimatized
Exampleआकर्षिक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of आकर्षिक:
1. गोवा के कला और संस्कृति मंत्री दयानंद मंडरेकर ने कहा कि तटीय गोवा में हर साल हजारों पर्यटकों को आकर्षिक करने वाली बीच पार्टियां असामाजिक तत्वों की सरपरस्ती में होती हैं
(आकर्षिक) akarshika can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : aakarShika

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