Meaning of (आख़िरकार) aKhirakar in english

Other : last Ex:  The river crested last night. उ:   आख़िरकार मल्लिका को वो रोल मिल गया।
latter Ex:  Astronomers dubbed the former globular clusters, and the latter open clusters. उ:   आख़िरकार टेरी के पति को अदालत से मंज़ूरी मिल गई। at last Ex:  The image faded from her memory at last . उ:   आख़िरकार वह मैक्स को गिरफ्तार कर लेता है। after all Ex:  I'm really fagged out after all that running . उ:   लेकिन आख़िरकार पाँच रनों से जीत हासिल की श्रीलंका ने। outcome Ex:  Call the outcome of an election final Ex:  The final game squared the one day series. finally Ex:  Our supplies finally ran out eventually Ex:  You'll learn that dance step eventually . in the end Ex:  A touchback also occurs when the kick goes out-of-bounds in the end zone. end Ex:  A touchback also occurs when the kick goes out-of-bounds in the end zone.
Suggested : a final product or end result consequence issue behind in place or position following behind occurring or coming after all others, as in time, order, or place being the second mentioned of two (distinguished from former ) occurring or coming after all others, as in time, order, or place
Exampleआख़िरकार का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(आख़िरकार) aKhirakar and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : aaKhirakaara

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