Meaning of (आजयन) ajayana in english
As noun : conquest Ex: In 1916 General Smuts was put in charge of the conquest of German East Africa.
victory Ex: he basked in the afterglow of his victory subjugation Ex: He not only consolidated his rule at home by the subjugation of his foes success Ex: I have no grudges on my friends success in examination. subjection Ex: Be subject, strong subject, thought of a Person that the duties of his office, to take his job in a big subjection win Ex: Somehow, we should win the match. winning Ex: Initially, he was winning in the football pools. triumph Ex: His triumph was that he rose to a position where war Ex: The two families stuck together throughout the war warfare Ex: In reality, it was a gang warfare disguised as national service. war/battle combat Ex: To combat what it saw as a coming crisis fight Ex: We have to fight recoupment of money.
Suggested : to finish first in a race , contest, or the like the act of subjecting the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors the accomplishment of one's goals a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war the act or state of conquering or the state of being conquered vanquishment
Exampleआजयन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(आजयन) ajayana
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :