Meaning of (आनुलोमिक) anulomika in english
As noun : systematic Ex: A systematic attempt to assassinate the president of the country was made by the terrorists.
set Ex: We gave them a set of dishes as wedding present. ideal Ex: Krishna advocates 'Nishkam Karma Yoga' as the ideal path to realize the Truth. favourable Ex: The Quatermass Experiment achieved favourable viewing figures in 1953 fortunate Ex: He was fortunate to avoid this danger understanding Ex: These are among the first things a player learns after understanding the rules. well Ex: Khuswant singh is well known prose writer. concordant friendly Ex: My friendss room-mate is very friendly and cooperative. fair Ex: 33,991 metric tons out of 6,685,000 were fair trade large Ex: There was a large gathering of devotees in the temple. consonant Ex: It may be used to form consonant clusters pertinent apposite fitting Ex: Swanson was considered a fitting representative of Hollywood's past due Ex: I have to cancel my tickets to Delhi due to illness. worthy Ex: A worthy magistrate befitting ready made worthwhile Ex: I gave him the book, he did nothing worthwhile man sized man size clear Ex: Please clear all these papers from the desk . pat Ex: S ' wipe the forehead, or simply pat means if we wipe the sweat on the head
As verb : frequent Ex: He is a frequent flyer on this route. fitted Ex: They fitted bars to their windows for safety. befit
As adjective : regular Ex: he observed a regular lunchtime steady Ex: Bach’s steady output of fugues began in Weimar. unrelieved compatible Ex: If the local charts on a manifold are compatible in a certain sense favorable Ex: While this change was favorable to freshwater vertebrates congenial acceptable Ex: To make the RSV acceptable to Eastern Orthodox congregations indulgent Ex: God does not want death of the sinner, He must be indulgent to human weakness agreeable Ex: Receive orders from someone also means Knowing him what we can do that is agreeable well disposed conformable accordant propitious clement auspicious relevant Ex: It may be relevant to this debate that Arthur's name appears as Arthur suitable Ex: We searched after a suitable candidate for weeks . opportune appropriate Ex: Since food is the reward for appropriate behaviour convenient Ex: This method is also a regularly applied and convenient laboratory preparation. seemly apt fit Ex: Only four persons can fit in this car. decent Ex: It sometimes means Who is decent, honest, decent concinnous likely Ex: It will also be more likely to survive to reproduce capable Ex: With Octavian's large and capable force
Suggested : to ease or alleviate (pain, distress, anxiety, need, etc) firmly placed or fixed stable in position or equilibrium usual normal customary having, showing, or involving a system , method, or plan happening or occurring at short intervals
Exampleआनुलोमिक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(आनुलोमिक) anulomika
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :