Meaning of (आभिरामिक) abhiramika in english

As noun : cunning Ex:  A full cunning maneuvering
wise Ex:  He is certainly considered wise cool Ex:  She has a cool head. fair Ex:  A study in 2002 found that fair trade strengthened producer organizations well Ex:  The sound resonates well in this theater as well Ex:  Rama is an army officer as well as a stock holder. gentle Ex:  Arbrisseau the south of Europe, which produces fruit very gentle and almost similar to strawberries by the shape and color classic Ex:  This was followed by the classic comedies The Gold Rush and The Circus . human Ex:  uncannily human robots sweet Ex:  The sweet sound of giggles was coming from the back of the classroom. bumper Ex:  The car's bumper just dropped off—honest . superior Ex:  Many have also argued that Europe's institutions were superior smart Ex:  Presemptuous people are smart alec. choice Ex:  The news that he will get a seat in the college of his choice elated Ravi. hot stuff class Ex:  I couldnt attend the class because I was not well. great Ex:  He has written the book with great felicity. sound Ex:  The clock has a very sound machinery. fine Ex:  These carvings have fine fluting. och kind Ex:  He is kind occasionally.
As verb : becoming Ex:  More and more students are becoming junkies.
As adjective : nice Ex:  The couples were snogging a very nice song in the cinema hall. good Ex:  Ram is a good actor. incredible Ex:  An incredible pride up to Ex:  the street rose steeply up to the castle reliable Ex:  Telephone service is relatively modern and reliable creditable sturdy Ex:  These tools were not usually sturdy or in good condition excellent Ex:  THe hotel is highly recommended for its excellent services. neat golden Ex:  Miscrients stolen the golden ornaments from the sanctum. new Ex:  His truck had to have a new engine. bright Ex:  John hardly ever gets a bright idea .
As adverb : decent Ex:  It still means Who is advantageous, friendly, helpful, decent all right Ex:  Oh, thank heavens you are all right . pretty Ex:  She looks pretty because of her ice-blue eyes.
Suggested : so extraordinary as to seem impossible having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion morally excellent virtuous righteous pious pleasing agreeable delightful skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner, as in deceiving craftiness guile
Exampleआभिरामिक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(आभिरामिक) abhiramika can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : aabhiraamika

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