Meaning of (आमणदूमण) amanadoomana in english

As noun : depressed Ex:  The rising inflation depressed the economy
downcast heavy hearted out of it Ex:  Man, I really lucked out of it . out of sorts in the dumps down in the mouth blue Ex:  Indians are playing in blue and white strips. glum doleful Ex:  It is always doleful hurt Ex:  Shyam is so nice that he cannot hurt a fly. sullen Ex:  A face sullen
As verb : off Ex:  The family took off for Florida dejected Ex:  Ray was dejected by this. aggrieved
As adjective : sad Ex:  Its a sad fact that many of those who die in road accidents are under 25. saturnine Ex:  saturnine Diseases, which develop in workers who handle lead and salts Lead spiritless Ex:  a spiritless reply to criticism unhappy Ex:  "when I was most unhappy I lashed out rather than whined". gloomy Ex:  His comment on his early years was: "My youth was gloomy and cold and sterile. rueful sorrowful Ex:  Who is a sudden and sorrowful mood wistful bleak Ex:  The foreign policy situation was similarly bleak nervous Ex:  Here he appears to have suffered a nervous breakdown. regretful surly Ex:  A surly man sad Ex:  Its a sad fact that many of those who die in road accidents are under 25. distressed
Suggested : directed downward, as the eyes sluggish in temperament gloomy taciturn so as to be no longer supported or attached sad and gloomy dejected downcast affected by unhappiness or grief sorrowful or mournful
Exampleआमणदूमण का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(आमणदूमण) amanadoomana can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : aamaNaduumaNa

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