Meaning of (ऐंठ) ainth in english

As noun : kink Ex:  kink still means figuratively express something in an embarrassed way, obscure, too sought, either by design or by default sharpness in ideas
Other :
twine Ex:  Coarser grades are used for the manufacturing of twine and rope. ply Ex:  Many ferryboats ply on this river. conceited rigidity Ex:  Headache is the most common symptom of meningitis followed by nuchal rigidity . affectation Ex:  elegance without affectation twisting Ex:  You are twisting my words again . turn Ex:  Then the encryption can be expressed as After each key press the rotors turn fold Ex:  If a player bets and all other players fold pride Ex:  A revival of ethnic pride is expressed in many ways by Aborigines tightening Ex:  The boss is tightening up on new hiring . stiffness Ex:  adjectively, a tone, a style preacher, said of a Ton, a style that has the solemnity, stiffness strutting obstinacy arrogance Ex:  , Do not blow your nose foot, be full of arrogance twist Ex:  It means someone twist by cajoling or specious arguments coil Ex:  The coil of the heater was like a serpentine. stiff/perky torque Ex:  Although this method is simple and eliminates torque convolution conceit perk torsional
Suggested : an effort to appear to have a quality not really or fully possessed the pretense of actual possession stiff or unyielding not pliant or flexible hard having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance, etc to work with or at diligently employ busily use a strong thread or string composed of two or more strands twisted together
Exampleऐंठ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of ऐंठ:
1. साढ़े तीन साल से सक्रिय डिग्रीकांड के सूत्रधारों ने जामनगर जिले में 144 लोगों को फर्जी डिग्री देकर 1.06 करोड़ रुपए ऐंठ लिए bhaskar.com2. फायदा न होने पर शमशान घाट में बड़ी पूजा की बात कहकर लाखों रुपए ऐंठ लिए bhaskar.com3. मंधना क्षेत्र के एक इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज की महिला प्रवक्ता को प्रेमजाल में फंसाकर एक छात्र पहले अश्लील एमएमस बनाया फिर ब्लैकमेल कर हजारों रुपए ऐंठ लिए
(ऐंठ) ainth can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : ai.nTha

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