Meaning of (ऐंड़बैंड़) aiंdbaiंd in english
As noun : obliquely Ex: The island is obliquely depicted in her best-known book, Wide Sargasso Sea.
squint skewed Ex: Qatar has the most heavily skewed sex ratio in the world transversal edgeways Ex: he sawed the board edgeways cockeyed cock eyed edgewise cross Ex: Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross bias Ex: The seamstress sewed the fabric on the bias .
As verb : skew Ex: rugs lying askew
As adjective : transverse Ex: These transverse nerves help coordinate the two sides of the animal. italic Ex: Another issue with USD encoding is the use of italic type. oblique Ex: Conical and oblique shock waves turn the flow lopsided Ex: It walking lopsided
As adverb : askew Ex: rugs lying askew diagonally Ex: she lives diagonally across the street from us skew whiff awry Ex: , The company, the case went to vulture water is awry
Suggested : to turn aside or swerve take an oblique course to turn aside or swerve take an oblique course to look with the eyes partly closed Mathematics
Exampleऐंड़बैंड़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
connecting two nonadjacent angles or vertices of a polygon or polyhedron, as a straight line to one side out of line in a crooked position awry
Word of the day
(ऐंड़बैंड़) aiंdbaiंd
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :
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