Meaning of bahar se layee gaee,bahar se layi gai in english

Interpreting bahar se layee gaee,bahar se layi gai - बाहर से लायी गई
As noun :
imported Ex:  Gold ingots are imported from Australia.
Suggested : to bring in (merchandise, commodities, workers, etc) from a foreign country for use, sale, processing, reexport, or services
Exampleबाहर से लायी गई का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bahar se layee gaee,bahar se layi gai Antonyms of bahar se layee gaee,bahar se layi gai

Word of the day
bahar se layee gaee,bahar se layi gai can be used as noun.. No of characters: 15 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : baahara se laayii gaii

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