Meaning of bahy roop,bahy rup in english

Interpreting bahy roop,bahy rup - बाह्य रूप
As noun : exterior Ex:  It is used to similar effect about an exterior Made on
shape Ex:  By analogy, Boat Bed, whose shape resembles that of a boat format Ex:  This format is used commonly in 1337 conversations.
Other : getup
Suggested : getup the shape and size of a book as determined by the number of times the original sheet has been folded to form the leaves Compare duodecimo , folio ( def 2 ), octavo , quarto the quality of a distinct object or body in having an external surface or outline of specific form or figure outer being on the outer side
Exampleबाह्य रूप का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bahy roop,bahy rup Antonyms of bahy roop,bahy rup

Word of the day
bahy roop,bahy rup can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : baahya ruupa

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