Meaning of bahut adhik in english
Interpreting bahut adhik - बहुत अधिक
As noun : huge Ex: Its landmarks include the huge Royal Palace of Madrid
enormously Ex: Tires vary enormously monumentally mountain Ex: The highest mountain on land is Everest, in the Himalayas. heaps more heavily Ex: The arts in Europe are heavily subsidized excess Ex: Accounting What is missing in a public or private fund; The excess of expenses over revenue fit to burst a great many Ex: There are a great many possible reasons for sleeping poorly. only too Ex: Of course it is only too badly available at no end of frightfully a good many so Ex: The drums are light-weight so they can be carried easily piping ever more thick Ex: In terms of Botany, he says Plants with roots or stems are thick and twisted like rope great Ex: Many great careers in acting, music, and film have begun in its many theaters. manys the
As adjective : considerable Ex: Lots of charities were given considerable donations from the public. most Ex: Giacomo Meyerbeer and, most notably, Gaetano Donizetti and Saverio Mercadante. substantial Ex: The G-10 was produced in very substantial numbers
As adverb : too Ex: Northumbria too succumbed to the Vikings hugely Ex: The Supremes became hugely popular with international mainstream audiences. vastly Ex: The city has since vastly modernized and undergone numerous changes obscenely agonizingly mightily prohibitively deeply Ex: Norway, and Denmark is a deeply personal travel narrative. extravagantly devilishly Ex: This man is devilishly annoying highly Ex: The Emperor of China took Islam highly dearly Ex: J ' bought dearly this short moment of happiness immoderately immensely Ex: Cycling was immensely popular in the post-WWII period badly Ex: Japan too, had been badly damaged by the war. widely Ex: Shops are open: Payment cards are widely accepted. hellishly dreadfully heartily disgustingly
Other : superabundant overmuch copious enormous Ex: "The reasons for the enormous success of October 17
Suggested : extraordinarily large in bulk, quantity, or extent in addition also furthermore moreover resembling a monument massive or imposing greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc huge immense extraordinarily large in bulk, quantity, or extent
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Usage of बहुत अधिक:
1. मुंबई-पुणे एक्सपे्रसवे पर चार ड्रोन कैमरों से यातायात की निगराने के पहले प्रशिक्षण में बहुत अधिक सकारात्मक परिणाम नहीं मिले हैंlivehindustan.com2. भारत को मानवाधिकारों की दुहाई देने वाले पाकिस्तान में मुहाजिर और बलोच ग्रुप के लोगों का भारतीय कश्मीरी लोगों से बहुत अधिक बुरा हाल है jagran.com3. हाल ही में प्रकाशित जर्नल नेचर की एक रिसर्च से यह बात सामने आई है कि धरती पर कार्बन डाई ऑक्साइड का स्तर सामान्य से बहुत अधिक बड़ चुका हैamarujala.comRelated words :As noun : बहुत अधिक आश्चर्यजनक - the damnedest बहुत अधिक उपयुक्त नहीं होना - be not much good बहुत अधिक एवम् झूठी विनम्रता से व्यवहार करना - bow and scrape बहुत अधिक चिंता करने वाला - worrier बहुत अधिक दाम लेना - rush बहुत अधिक नियंत्रण - constraint बहुत अधिक फायदा नहीं - not much going for बहुत अधिक भयभीत - terror struck
As verb : बहुत अधिक काम में लाना - overuse
As adjective : बहुत अधिक उबाऊ - soul destroying बहुत अधिक नाराज़ - livid
As adverb : बहुत अधिक मात्रा में - profusely
bahut adhik
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
bahuta adhika