Meaning of baithna in english

Interpreting baithna - बैठ्ना
As noun : set Ex:  King served for the match at 5-1 and had a match point at 5-3 in the second set
seat Ex:  The city was made the seat of Yeongnam Province in the 10th century.
Suggested : something designed to support a person in a sitting position, as a chair, bench, or pew a place on or in which one sits to put (something or someone) in a particular place
Exampleबैठ्ना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of baithna

Word of the day
baithna can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : baiThnaa

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