Meaning of boonda bandee hona,bunda bandee hona,boonda bandi hona in english
Interpreting boonda bandee hona,bunda bandee hona,boonda bandi hona - बूंदा बांदी होना
As verb : drizzle Ex:  It Most commonly refers to a drizzle Sort formed or projected by the wave breaking in
Other :
to drizzle
Suggested : to rain gently and steadily in fine drops sprinkle
Exampleबूंदा बांदी होना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of boonda bandee hona,bunda bandee hona,boonda bandi hona Antonyms of boonda bandee hona,bunda bandee hona,boonda bandi hona
Word of the day
boonda bandee hona,bunda bandee hona,boonda bandi hona
can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
buu.ndaa baa.ndii honaa