Meaning of buri tarah se in english

Interpreting buri tarah se - बुरी तरह से
As noun : ill Ex:  I feel good, I'm not so ill that believes
grossly Ex:  There are examples of ancient textiles that have been grossly misdated resoundingly irredeemably lamentably roaring
As adverb : sadly Ex:  He is poor, he sadly lives dreadfully horribly Ex:  He suffered horribly badly Ex:  The season started badly when he spun off in Brazil due to a mechanical problem abominably Ex:  He sings, he writes abominably deplorably soundly Ex:  Sleeping soundly
Other : mis miserably Ex:  In a miserably
Suggested : making an echoing sound without deductions total, as the amount of sales, salary, profit, etc, before taking deductions for expenses, taxes, or the like (opposed to net ) in a dreadful way affected by unhappiness or grief sorrowful or mournful of unsound physical or mental health unwell sick
Exampleबुरी तरह से का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of buri tarah se Antonyms of buri tarah se

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Usage of बुरी तरह से:
1. दैनिक उपयोग की चीजें और मंहगी चीजों की बिक्री बुरी तरह से प्रभावित हुई हैlivehindustan.com2. नोटबंदी से बुरी तरह से प्रभावित हुए ये पांच सेक्टरlivehindustan.com3. देर रात बलदेव नगर इलाके में पशु तस्करों ने जमकर गुुंडागर्दी दिखाई और एक व्यक्ति की बुरी तरह से पिटाई कर डंडे से उसका सिर फोड़ दियाamarujala.comRelated words :
buri tarah se can be used as noun, verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. Transliteration : burii taraha se

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