Meaning of buri tarah se pitana in english

Interpreting buri tarah se pitana - बुरी तरह से पीटना
As noun : bash up
knock the living daylights out of beat the shit out of work over Ex:   With the recording work over beat the living daylights out of knock the daylights out of beat the daylights out of
Suggested : to separate the grain or seeds from (a cereal plant or the like) by some mechanical means, as by beating with a flail or by the action of a threshing machine Informal dilapidated in poor condition from use exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something labor toil to beat severely thrash
Exampleबुरी तरह से पीटना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of buri tarah se pitana Antonyms of buri tarah se pitana

Word of the day
buri tarah se pitana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 17 including consonants matras. Transliteration : burii taraha se piiTanaa

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