Meaning of (बतलाना) batalana in english
As verb : intimate Ex: , Be you and yours with someone, be so intimate with him that the familiar terms and that " it is through him tu उ: इसलिये संध्या के धुँधलेपन से इस शब्द का संबंध बतलाना उचित नहीं।
suggest Ex: Some scholars suggest that their settlement dates back 4000 years. denote Ex: Let R denote the set of all real numbers. show Ex: Unlike previous Scooby series, the show was produced at Warner Bros. unfold explain Ex: Myths are often intended to explain the universal and local beginnings warn Ex: He pushed me to warn me that I was going to say something too
Other : to connote to point Ex: He told me everything from point to point to instruct to assign Ex: In terms of procedure, it means that Act is to assign a bailiff, adjourn, grab, etc inform Ex: However the British and French ambassadors managed to inform King John VI to express Ex: Adjective Numeral Cardinal, one who used to express a number, amount as one, ten, a hundred, a thousand communicate Ex: Almost everybody on the island can communicate in standard Greek/Turkish assign Ex: In terms of procedure, it means that Act is to assign a bailiff, adjourn, grab, etc to detail Ex: It could not sell its wholesale goods, he was forced to detail the to enlighten to intimate Ex: , The Tarpeian rock is near the Capitol is said to intimate that there is often not far from the triumph at the fall to identify Ex: Most Indiana counties use a grid-based system to identify county roads to impart to offer Ex: Quint interrupts a town meeting to offer his services instruct to advise to notice Ex: In terms of Palais This case happened to notice the rapporteur, it was found following the rapporteur apprise demonstrate to explain Ex: They used myth to explain natural phenomena to denote Ex: Descartes introduced the use of superscripts to denote exponents as well. to tell Ex: I have to tell you that I thought it was un-American, unpatriotic. reveal Ex: This may reveal an obvious mass to apprise to communicate Ex: The purpose of works of art may be to communicate ideas connote to demonstrate enlighten Ex: On Isola of those who might enlighten and warn impart identify Ex: Most Indiana counties use a grid-based system to identify county roads to inform Ex: Two of them returned overland to inform Magellan of what had happened to prescribe to reveal Ex: Action to reveal prescribe Ex: It is still used to mean absolutely Set prescribe decide tell Ex: I have to tell you that I thought it was un-American, unpatriotic. speak Ex: 84.6% of whom are ethnic Lithuanians who speak the Lithuanian language relate Ex: The stories relate that Laozi never opened a formal school
Suggested : to bring out of a folded state spread or open out to cause or allow to be seen exhibit display to be a mark or sign of indicate to mention or introduce (an idea, proposition, plan, etc) for consideration or possible action associated in close personal relations
Word of the day
(बतलाना) batalana
can be used as verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from modification of Hindi language by locals .
Transliteration :