Meaning of (बताना) batana in english
As noun : reveal Ex: The tests did reveal a few flaws उ: ख़ुद को ईश्वरपुत्र बताना उनके लिये भारी पाप था।
state Ex: Dead Horse Point and Goblin Valley state parks, and Monument Valley . उ: इसमें कवि को हास्य कविता बनाकर बताना पड़ता है। share Ex: The share of Nirvana's publishing was purchased by Primary Wave Music उ: उन्हें अपने निर्णयों के लिए कारण बताना चाहिए। yield उ: भारत में जातियों और उपजातियों की निश्चित संख्या बताना कठिन है। draw Ex: It also means in terms of medicine, Divert morbid cause, draw a part in another उ: किस कारण से संक्रमण हुआ है, यह बताना कठिन कार्य है। intimate Ex: , close alliance, close friendship, unity, close familiarity, close match, very narrow link, alliance, friendship, intimate union, etc उ: ऐसी स्थिति में आपको सिर्फ देरी का कारण बताना होगा। confide display Ex: Many of Franklin's personal possessions are also on display at the Institute उ: यह शब्द कहाँ से लिया गया है और कैसे लिया गया, यह बताना कठिन है। set forth Ex: In 1743, he set forth a scheme for The Academy and College of Philadelphia. उ: इस कमेंटेटर का काम है पूरे खेल का आंखों देखा हाल बताना । let on उ: उसने अपने देश को नास्तिक के बजाए धर्मनिरपेक्ष बताना प्रारंभ किया। impart break Ex: Burn their brains to anyone, him break the head of a sudden gun fired at close range spell Ex: It does not spell express Ex: Adverse opinion we express about someone or something show Ex: A similar show entitled Stop! cry Ex: The cry of Falconry and the sign that makes a bird to get him back on the lure or fist read Ex: Plato's Apology is perhaps the most often read of the dialogues. hark back clear Ex: Clear evidence , as clear as day release Ex: Two weeks after the release of Unplugged in New York tell Ex: In the case of sleep, EEGs can easily tell the difference. fill Ex: It also means a squared Baguette, long and narrow, which is primarily used to form moldings or to fill a gap between two planks register Ex: It also tells of the action to register a person or thing in a register, a list, etc air Ex: The closest air transport is available by way of Bozeman forecast Ex: The King of Saudi Arabia has announced that the per capita income is forecast report Ex: The November 2005 European Commission report states that
As verb : explain Ex: For example, other factors such as modeling are required to explain bullying. उ: उन्होंने उस मृग को पूछा कि ऐसा क्यों हुआ तो उसने बताना शुरु किया। drop उ: यह बताना कठिन है कि मलयालम में कितने वर्ण या अक्षर हैं। define Ex: Early attempts to define poetry उ: हमलोग किसी को यह बताना नहीं चाहते कि हमलोग कहां पैसे बना रहे हैं। describe Ex: The Bahá'í writings describe a single उ: किस स्थान पर पेट्रोलियम निकलेगा, इसका निश्चित रूप से बताना कठिन है। inform Ex: Bring to the knowledge, Tell, inform, inform speak Ex: Tajiks who speak the Tajik language are the main ethnic group explode set out Ex: Queen + Paul Rodgers set out to tour the United States and Canada. unveil declare Ex: About 12% of the population declare that they have no religion. deliver Ex: Method by which Socrates hoped to deliver the spirits of the truths they contain relate Ex: This is understood to relate mainly to the software for the aircraft. instruct advertize account for Ex: People identifying with Asian ethnic groups account for 9.2% of the population advertise disclose suggest Ex: Some accounts suggest it is a Cherokee modification of an earlier Yuchi word.
Other : to say/speak to point out Ex: , Sunrise hare, to be first in a search, to point out a fact significant and important, often concealed, or be the first in a discussion to raise unexpectedly an awkward question to tell Ex: But I'm not going to tell to inform Ex: I regret to inform you that to express Ex: Archaeology name given to the characters that are served the ancient Egyptians to express their thoughts to thrash (में तुम्हें अभी बताता हूँ to instruct transmit Ex: de Who does not freely transmit electricity teach Ex: He later left his studies and chose to teach at Dục Thanh school in Phan Thiết.
Suggested : to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation to make plain or clear render understandable or intelligible the full or proper portion or part allotted or belonging to or contributed or owed by an individual or group the condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes to make known disclose divulge
Exampleबताना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of बताना:
1. विदेश मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता विकास स्वरूप ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी और चीन के राष्ट्रपति शी जिनपिंग के बीच द्विपक्षीय बैठक के बारे आयोजित मीडिया ब्रीफिंग में शनिवार को कहा 'सबसे पहले मैं यह बताना चाहता हूं कि चीन के उत्पादों के बहिष्कार के बारे में कोई आधिकारिक टिप्पणी नहीं की गई हैlivehindustan.com2. शपथ पत्र देकर साक्षी मलिक को बताना होगा अपने कोच का नाम amarujala.com3. हिलेरी पर किए गए ट्वीट को यहूदी विरोधी बताना ‘बचकाना’: ट्रंप
(बताना) batana
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Transitive Verb in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Sanskrit and/or Hindi language .
Transliteration :