Meaning of (बसबास) basabasa in english

As noun : residence Ex:  Thus they took residence in Bonn and later in Brühl on Rhine.
lodging accommodations residency abidance nest quarter Ex:  It does not enjoy the entire estate, his nephew took a quarter hang out get Ex:  He was the first player to get 3,000 career hits and 500 career home runs. keep Ex:  It is still difficult to keep the Britannica current be Ex:  Can these shirts be machine-washed? turn Ex:  At the turn of his career, a capital turning point in his career move in Ex:  Lawrence had the boy move in with him wait in Ex:  To leave, expect the day, wait in summer stand Ex:  be, stand hats, Having uncovered head in deference stop Ex:  Following a tour stop at Terminal Eins in Munich settle make out bide room Ex:  In addition to the rec room state Ex:  The railroad brought increasing numbers of people into the state phase Ex:  Similar processes may occur on other types of phase boundaries. event Ex:  The 2003 event had 48 matches condition Ex:  On the news of his near-death condition seat Ex:  San‘a’ persisted as the governing seat shape Ex:  Both genders Who the shape of the dialogue rank Ex:  It says substantively the same men and provided the same rank in the state circumstance Ex:  Ménager opportunity, opportunities, Prepare moment, the favorable circumstance to do something position Ex:  Gorbachev's personal position continued changing. post Ex:  post Horses case Ex:  In the case of a goal scored during the first two minutes of a double-minor disposition situation Ex:  A similar situation with igneous rocks occurs when xenoliths are found. the state of play footing character Ex:  Batman's primary character traits can be summarized as "wealth place Ex:  Google's IPO took place on August 19 status Ex:  The city retained that status permanently on December 31 set Ex:  When local authorities installed a set of lights location Ex:  Due to the geographical location of The Dominican Republic in the Caribbean direction Ex:  Under the direction of Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison perch home Ex:  D.C. William Nelson Page died at his home in Washington
As verb : live Ex:  The Vezo live in the southwest. abide reside Ex:  They currently reside in Pinecrest remain Ex:  Nevertheless, the wards remain relatively distinct. occupy Ex:  They will occupy tanks exist Ex:  However, not too many paved roads exist outside Stanley and the RAF base. stay Ex:  The first extended stay on the island was in 1927 occupies Ex:  Canada occupies a major northern portion of North America
As adverb : whereabouts
Suggested : the act or state of abiding residence ( def 3 ) the act of accommodating state or process of being accommodated adaptation accommodation in a house, especially in rooms for rent the place, especially the house, in which a person lives or resides dwelling place home
Exampleबसबास का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(बसबास) basabasa can be used as noun, verb, adverb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : basabaasa

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